Entre Masterclass - Professional Development Series
The Entre Club Pte Ltd offers both public and in-house training programmes.
Key training for sustainable business growth in the 21st Century:
(A) Business Agility:
l. Entrepreneurship
2. Intrapreneurship
3. Networking Skills (importance of social capital)
4. High Performance Teams
5. Women in Business Series
6. High Performance Leadership
7. Resilience
8. Change Management
9. Synergy in Diversity
10. Creativity & Innovation (Think-out-of-the-Box)
(B) Organisational/People Excellence:
1. Red/Blue Ocean Business Strategy
2. Organisation Development
3. Balanced Scorecard
4. Multi-generational Workforce
5. Talent Resourcing, Assessment, Selection
6. Performance Management
7. HR Strategies for growth
8. Employer branding
(C) Personal Competency Development:
1. Communicate to Influence & Impact as a Team Leader
2. Presentation Skills
3. Workplace Mentoring
4. Power of Networking
5. Resilience and Emotional Intelligence
6. Cross-cultural Intelligence
7. Sales and Marketing Strategies
8. Finance Skills for Non-Financial Managers
Equip your business / human resources with the competencies to take-off and succeed!
Find out more here.